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Bingocize: Nikkei Village
Bingocize® is an evidence-based 10-week program for 1 hour twice a week that combines a bingo-like game with exercise and health education. The unique addition of bingo addresses many of the barriers to older adults’ participation because the game is fun, familiar, and done in a group setting. The program has been shown to increase older adults’ functional fitness, health knowledge, and social engagement in a variety of settings. This workshop will take place in-person at Nikkei Village. Registration is required. Sign up below by April 7, 2025 and complete a registration survey in class. Minimum required: 10 participants. No new participants after session 2.
April 7, 2025 - June 16, 2025
Mondays & Wednesdays 1:30 pm - 2:30 pm
Session 1 - 4/7/2025
Session 2 - 4/9/2025
Session 3 - 4/14/2025
Session 4 - 4/16/2025
Session 5 - 4/21/2025
Session 6 - 4/23/2025
Session 7 - 4/28/2025
Session 8 - 5/30/2025
Session 9 - 5/5/2025
Session 10 - 5/7/2025
Session 11 - 5/12/2025
Session 12 - 5/14/2025
Session 13 - 5/19/2025
Session 14 - 5/21/2025, no session 5/26
Session 15 - 5/28/2025
Session 16 - 6/2/2025
Session 17 - 6/4/2025
Session 18 - 6/9/2025
Session 19 - 6/11/2025
Session 20 - 6/16/2025